Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Raja Ampat

The Reefs of Raja Ampat

a biodiversity stronghold

Part of Span Sea Head Birds (BLKB) and are at the heart Triangle Coral Reefs of the World, Raja Ampat is one of them location diversity biological sea highest on earth.

Covers 4.6 million hectare land and sea, where more of 1.7 million hectares is area conservation waters, islands This is a ‘ home ‘ for more of the 1,600 species of fish, 75% of species coral, 6 of 7 types threatened sea turtles extinct, and 17 species mammals known sea.

Current sea in strong bring nutrition to Raja Ampat waters, up to to forest mangroves, salt water lakes, and expanses field daydreaming: forming networking food complex that becomes source food for diversity life spectacular sea.


Nicknamed ‘ the factory species ‘ Raja Ampat is center from diversity biological significance for the world. Reef coral abundance surrounds the islands of Raja Ampat provide source nutrition important and also as eye livelihood public local.


Reef corals in Raja Ampat are filled Lots unique life and colors. Color bright reef coral soft, fan marine, sponges, tunicates, crinoids, and corals hard chime form a habitat for molluscs and crustaceans small, snail sea, shellfish giant, fur pigs and stars sea. Collection of coral fish colored bright start from parrot fish, botana and salmon that are milling about, while snapper, shellfish, barracuda, tuna and shark swim follow current.


Temporary to edge, precisely between forest mangrove, can seen more colors calm. Tree mangroves and reefs coral on the edge is ' home ' to juvenile fish, sharks, and species macro like like snail sea, worm flat, crab until shrimp.

Because of diversity biological the outer sea ordinary and unique, as well close relationship with life and livelihood public local, then Raja Ampat must considered as global priority for conservation.


Authority area conservation Raja Ampat waters are trying For protect diversity biological through efforts management that pivots on principles sustainability, which makes environment, welfare public local, and development sustainable as the main thing is.