The mission of the Raja Ampat Marine Park Authority is to protect and manage the marine park’s natural, cultural and historical resources, whilst allowing ecologically sustainable use for the benefit of current and future generations.
Management of the Marine Protected Areas is the direct responsibility of the Marine Park Authority. In collaboration with the Indonesian National Police and Indonesian National Navy, these departments are responsible for enforcing all regulation and legislation related to the Marine Park. Click Here for more information about MPA Patrols.
In order to protect and conserve the globally significant biodiversity of the region, and the livelihoods and industries that depend upon them, all domestic and international individuals and organisations conducting activities within Raja Ampat’s Marine Protected Areas must strictly adhere to the following rules and regulations.
The activities listed at the below link are those that require a permit, or are strictly prohibited and considered violations to Raja Ampat Marine Park legislation and regulation. Conducting any of the prohibited activities can result lawful and/or customary action against the perpetrator(s).
Zoning is an integral component of management in the Raja Ampat Marine Park; it is a key strategy in sustaining and improving reef health and resilience. Each Marine Protected Area contains specific zones with rules that define the activities that are permitted, the activities that are prohibited, and the activities that require a permit.
CLICK HERE to for more information about Zoning in Raja Ampat Marine Park
All Tourism vessels (private or commercial) and Commercial Fishing Vessels that enter the Marine Park are required to obtain the necessary permit(s) and operate as per the requirements designated Utilisation Zones. Click here for more information regarding vessel permits, and see zonation for specific MPAs under “Marine Protected Areas” in the main menu.
Every visitor to the Marine Protected areas must pay the Environmental Services Fee (LPJL) before entry.
The species included in this list are protected under National and/or Regional Law. Every person and or legal entity is prohibited from carrying out activities that catch, hunt, injure, damage, kill, capture, posses, trade or transport any species on this list, including their body parts, and the nests or eggs of listed species.
Fishing activity with Raja Ampat Marine Park is strictly regulated and subject to sustainable management laws. The following activities are considered violations to Raja Ampat Marine Park legislation and regulation. Conducting any of the below listed activities and will result in lawful, or in some instances customary, action against the perpetrator(s).
CLICK HERE to access the list of Fisheries Violations & Crime.