Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Raja Ampat

MPA Management Unit

The Raja Ampat Marine Park Authority and Management Unit, officially named “The Regional Public Service Agency Regional Technical Implementing Unit (BLUD UPTD) in the Management of the Conservation Area (KKP) of the Raja Ampat Islands”, is the Technical Unit responsible for facilitating management within Raja Ampat’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), as an extension of the Provincial Government’s Maritime and Fisheries Service (DKP) West Papua.

In collaboration with law enforcement officials including Police, the Indonesian Navy and fisheries investigators, the Marine Park Authority routinely patrols all MPAs for any illegal or suspicious activity.

The Marine Park Authority is also responsible for supervising zoning regulation, increasing public awareness about conservation, encouraging sustainable tourism activities and increasing the economic benefits derived from conservation for local communities.


Managing and protecting the 2+ million hectares of Marine Protected Area that falls under the Authority’s jurisdiction requires significant and sustainable financing over the long term, which cannot be fully supported by the funding capability of governmental bodies alone.


Therefore, one of the strategies implemented to ensure sustainability of funding, is the use of a funding system originally reserved for Regional Public Service Agencies (UPTD), combined with BLUD status. This financial structure affords UPTD BLUD the flexibility to secure revenue from environmental services tariffs along with other revenue streams, and directly manage this revenue for the exclusive purpose Marine Park Management. Additionally, UPTD BLUD has the ability to recruit non-government employees as professional staff to meet organizational needs.





Raja Ampat Marine Park was the first conservation area in Indonesia to implement this supportive and beneficial financial system, and through this, is able to professionally, transparently and sustainably manage and protect Raja Ampat Marine Park and its rich marine resources over the long term.