Surveillance post as infrastructure aim For realize effectiveness and efficiency performance from Deep Sea Guard personnel carry out his job daily, in the office and in person alternate guard there. Besides Because reasons technical field construction, monitoring posts in each area conservation usually established in strategic locations For organize effort management in a area.
In the Water Area I Conservation Area Island Ayau -Asia is available one monitoring post was built in Abidon Village, while the monitoring post was in the Teluk Area II Conservation Area Mayalibit be around waters of Warsambin Village. Remember large area and also considerations geographical, Selat Area III Conservation Area Dampier has more from one monitoring post, namely around the waters of Arefi Village and Manta Sandy.
Aquatic Area V Conservation Area Island Kofiau -Boo has one temporary monitoring post in the Aquatic Area IV Conservation Area Island Misool one monitoring post. Location of monitoring post in Water Area VI Conservation Area Fam Islands is enough unique Because located in one island not inhabited, that is Island Meoskor. The Area VII Conservation Area in the Waters of the North Misool Region has one monitoring post.
Besides seventh area BLUD UPTD Management of KK in Water The Raja Ampat Islands also provide support technical to monitoring posts in Conservation Areas W aigeo Islands The West side is built around Wayag, whose management is under Conservation Area Hall Kupang National Waterways (BKKPN). Unit Work (Satker) Raja Ampat.
As infrastructure main in the field, monitoring post is One complex general building consists on dock anchor mooring for surveillance speedboat, office main, warehouse material burn oil (BBM), warehouse material food, and in some location also has built a dormitory place Marine Guard personnel rest.
Activity daily Marine Guard personnel at monitoring posts covers patrol supervision activity fisheries and tourism are implemented in a way routine, supportive activity monitoring organized ecological in a way periodically together partners, activities outreach for public local in context management area in a way collaborative, work administration related with use material food and fuel, up to to work House ladder necessary daily For organize office at a time place stay temporary.
Member public nor visitors who have information from field related with activities that have indication violation within area conservation waters, please Don’t reluctant For convey it to Marine Guard personnel nearest, or direct contact us here.