Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Raja Ampat

Fam Islands MPA

357,282 hectares

Water Area VI Conservation Area Fam Islands, with a total area of 359,385.65 hectares, in total geographical located in the southwest Island Waigeo, and northwest Island Batanta.

Water Area VI Conservation Area The Fam Islands are to the west of Dampier Strait Area III Conservation Area, and borders direct with Halmahera Sea, North Maluku Province.

Small karst islands in Pyainemo often described as miniature from Wayag, the current one has develop be one destination tour main in Raja Ampat because beauty the outdoors normal good on land as well as at sea.


Fam Islands usually shared to in three parts (clusters), namely the Pyainemo islands, Pam islands and surrounding areas, as well as Bamboo Islands. The Fam Islands are part from District West Waigeo Islands, and has three villages: Pam Village on Pam Kecil Island, as well as; Saukabu and Saupapir villages are located on Pam Besar Island.


Besides there are three villages several areas resident settled: I don’t know That location business or place stay while related with work they. Outside Therefore, the islands in the Fam Islands are an area that is not inhabited.

Fam Islands proposed become area conservation waters on proposal initiative public custom local who wants protect and manage source Power natural his life.


In process, society customs there, accompanied by Conservation International (CI) Indonesia – now named Indonesian Conservation, which was responded to with either by the Government Raja Ampat Regency (Pemkab) and the Government West Papua Province (Pemprov). Fam Islands declared as area conservation waters by the community custom in there on the moon February 2017.

Reef the coral on the Fam Islands is very diverse. Start from patches (patches) of reef coral colorful ‘ boisterous ‘ filled life lower sea like sized predatory species big, that is sharks and tuna, coral fish like types of damsels and anthias, up to to clams aged hundreds living year side by side between diverse type reef coral hard nor soft.


Most of the ecosystem reef corals on the Fam Islands have type reef coral edge (fringing reef), and several patch reef. Most of the reef The coral that lives on the Fam Islands is on the contour sloping (slope), temporary part Again is on a relative contour steep (drop-off).

Based on results monitoring health reef coral in 2018 at 24 locations diving in the Fam Islands, obtained percentage cover coral hard amounting to 31.93%; A enhancement amounting to 2.03% of survey previously implemented in 2017 (Pada, 2018).

Fam Islands have diversity high life based on diversity of reef fish. Results of the study program fast The marine rapid assessment program or MRAP held by CI Indonesia in 2013 was successful recorded 707 species of reef fish representing 238 genera and 69 families. Survey that also worked recorded 18 species of reef fish that have not Once recorded previously in Raja Ampat and the Bentang region Sea Head Bird ( Please see the video next to it your right here ).

Based on fish biomass, a survey that has been done take notes that Reef fish biomass in the Fam Islands area is 2,306.08 kg/ ha. Species fishery key (family Lutjanidae, Serranidae and Hemulidae) reached 211.20 kg/ha, while coral fish functional (family Acanthuridae, Scaridae and Siganidae) amounting to 789.03 kg/ha(Pada,2018).


water area on the Fam Islands is also an important habitat for species charismatic like sharks, Napoleon fish, two type turtle, two type manta rays and mammals sea such as whales and dolphins.


Based on research in 2007, there were at least 2 species dolphins, and Pilot Whales (Kahn, 2007). Besides that, mermaid (Dugong dugon) ever seen on the beach east Piaynemo, temporary whale shark ( Rinchodon typus ) ever seen on the atoll west of Piaynemo (Fudge, 2011), and also at the Melissa’s Garden dive site in early in 2016 by several diver.

Besides reef coral, and although area area conservation its waters not the biggest in Raja Ampat, ecosystem forest Mangroves also live and grow on the Fam Islands. Forest mangrove can found in the western part of the Island Meoskor, part east and around the Piaynemo lagoon, as well as the area called with Arpos on Pam Besar Island.


Water Area VI Conservation Area The Fam Islands are also a natural habitat for arthropods land largest in the world, that is crab Canaries (Birgus latro) are protected in Indonesia.


Unfortunately, it happens a number of case when crab canary traded on the Fam Islands. Catch, sell, and buy crab canary in a way illegal No permitted in Raja Ampat and all parts of Indonesia, and is violation to regulation current regulation.


The table below provides an overview of some of the activities that commonly occur within Marine Conservation Areas (MPA).

For a detailed explanation of all activities regulated in the Zoning Regulations, please see Table 14, pages 48-51 of the document. Raja Ampat Islands Marine Conservation Area Management and Zoning Plan 2019-2038.

Description of Marine Conservation Area Zoning in Raja AmpatScuba DivingSnorkelingKayakJet SkiFishingReleasing Anchor

Core Zone

A conservation zone designated for its high ecological value, and only accessible through a strict permitting process for very limited purposes (e.g. for research or education purposes).







Food Security and Tourism Sub-zone

Also known as the “No Take Zone”. All fishing activities are prohibited within this Sub-zone. Sustainable tourism activities can be conducted within this Sub-zone.







Sasi Sub-zone and Traditional Utilization

Sub-zones specifically designated for utilization activities for local communities, such as sustainable fishing activities and community cultural practices. Sustainable tourism activities are also permitted in the Sasi and Traditional Utilization Sub-zones.







Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Sub-zone

In this Sub-zone, only fish farming and limited-scale commercial fishing activities are allowed. This Sub-zone also allows sustainable tourism activities.







*Jet skis and/or other motorized water sports vehicles are prohibited in the Marine Conservation Area. In general, anchoring is not permitted in the Marine Conservation Area (KKP) in Raja Ampat. Whenever possible, take advantage of moorings.

** If dropping anchor is an unavoidable necessity, then do so responsibly and in accordance with all relevant regulations and codes of conduct.

*** Fishing is only permitted for local people. Tourists are only permitted to fish with permission from the Traditional Chief, and under the supervision of the local community.