Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Raja Ampat

Kofiau Boo Islands Mpa

357,282 hectares

Aquatic Area V Conservation Area Island Kofiau -Boo is located at the western tip of Raja Ampat, with area amounting to 137,318.73 hectares. this area has 44 islands small, and divided become two islands, that is Island Kofiau in part east and Boo to the west, and so on administrative only consists from One district, that is District Kofiau.

Diversity life of the Islands MPA Kofiau-Boo is marked with type reef high coral. Cover reef coral inside area Island Kofiau-Boo reaches 13,800 hectares, meanwhile cover forest mangrove covering an area of 3,413 hectares (Purwanto et al., 2012).


One study conducted in area Aquatic Area IV Conservation Area Island Misool recorded 292 types reef corals were found in six point observations (Donnelly et al., 2002).


Reef corals in the Islands MPA Kofiau-Boo in general is reef coral growing edge surround island, with indication bleaching and disease reef coral is below 1 %. Indicator fish biomass or functional recorded amounting to 296.1 kg per hectare, while economic fish is 135.7 kg per hectare (Ahmadia et al., 2017).

Based on survey in 2008 to 2010, extensive reef corals in the Islands Kofiau-Boo is about 10,724 hectares, and consists of on a number of type reef coral major (De Vantier et al., 2009). For size island small, area This own diversity type reef very high coral.

Besides potency fisheries, Aquatic Area IV Conservation Area Island Misool it’s also corridor important For migration for various types of whales and dolphins ever visible in the area such as sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), killer whales (Orcinus orca), Bryde’s whales ( Balaenoptera brydei ), dolphins nose bottle ( Tursiops truncatus ) and nose bottle Indopacific ( Tursiops aduncus ), to dugong ( Dugong dugon ).

Local communities in the Kofiau -Boo Islands is descendants Ethnic group Betew owns it connection closely and language similar area with Biak tribe in section north Span Bird’s Head Sea. Livelihood from public local there majority originate from activity fisheries and plantations seasonal like copra.


Like as elsewhere in Raja Ampat, community local in the Islands Kofiau-Boo also continues practice approach management source Power natural in a way traditional, that is sasi. By simple, sasi can said as a ‘savings’ for public.

In practice, for example in context activity arrest sea cucumber, sasi close a region during period time certain, for something moment opened for – and utilized by – the community local, with hope that population sea cucumber will develop during period closing the.


Opening sasi usually done only for a short period of time, for example during celebration day big religious certain.

The table below provides an overview of some of the activities that commonly occur within Marine Conservation Areas (MPAs).

For a detailed explanation of all activities regulated in the Zoning Regulations, please see Table 14, pages 48-51 of the document.  Raja Ampat Islands Marine Conservation Area Management and Zoning Plan 2019-2038.

Description of Marine Conservation Area Zoning in Raja Ampat Scuba Diving Snorkeling Kayak Jet Ski Fishing Releasing Anchor
Core Zone

A conservation zone designated for its high ecological value, and only accessible through a strict permitting process for very limited purposes (e.g. for research or education purposes).







Food Security and Tourism Sub-zone

Also known as the “No Take Zone”. All fishing activities are prohibited within this Sub-zone. Sustainable tourism activities can be conducted within this Sub-zone.







Sasi Sub-zone and Traditional Utilization

Sub-zones specifically designated for utilization activities for local communities, such as sustainable fishing activities and community cultural practices. Sustainable tourism activities are also permitted in the Sasi and Traditional Utilization Sub-zones.







Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Sub-zone

In this Sub-zone, only fish farming and limited-scale commercial fishing activities are allowed. This Sub-zone also allows sustainable tourism activities.







* Jet skis and/or other motorized water sports vehicles are prohibited in the Marine Conservation Area. In general, anchoring is not permitted in the Marine Conservation Area (KKP) in Raja Ampat. Whenever possible, take advantage of moorings.

** If dropping anchor is an unavoidable necessity, then do so responsibly and in accordance with all relevant regulations and codes of conduct

*** Fishing is only permitted for local people. Tourists are only permitted to fish with permission from the Traditional Chief, and under the supervision of the local community.