Monitoring ecosystems involves measuring physical, chemical and biological variables over time and space, in order to provide information on ecosystem change. And whilst there are both short-term and long-term indicators of ecosystem health, in general ecosystems require long-term and repeated monitoring because they are complex and sensitive, and because they change slowly.
Coral Reef Health Monitoring, UPTD KKP BLUD
In collaboration with stakeholders including scientists, universities, government and NGOs, the Raja Ampat Marine Park Authority conducts a variety of ongoing ecological monitoring efforts including:
Melalui kerja sama dengan para pemangku kepentingan termasuk ilmuwan, universitas, pemerintah dan organisasi non-pemerintah, Badan Layanan Umum Daerah Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (BLUD UPTD) KKP Kepulauan Raja Ampat melakukan berbagai upaya pemantauan ekologi yang berkelanjutan, termasuk:
Due to its unique contribution to science and practice, monitoring is an integral aspect of the Marine Park Authority’s ecological research, management and policy. All information obtained via monitoring is interpreted to determine the effectiveness of MPA management in protecting biodiversity, and applied to the development of effective planning and management.