Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Raja Ampat

Dampier Strait MPA

353,531 hectares

Dampier Strait Area III Conservation Area is area biggest second in Raja Ampat, covering total area amounting to 353,440.54 hectares.

By geographical area This The Dampier Strait consists of from three part, namely the Gam coastal area and the Islands Mansuar, coastal area Batanta Island and the Coastal region Island North/ Northeast Salawati.


Raja Ampat is at the heart Triangle World Coral Reef, Dampier Strait is in the heart of Raja Ampat. Current strong sea move from the Pacific Ocean to Dampier Strait, ago join with the upwelling process from sea in bring rich nutrition to waters strait. This process provide ideal environment for source feed animal sea, and also share reef coral.

Reef coral life colorful and moving, with coral soft and hard each other relate For form a habitat for diverse invertebrates and animals other grazers, who in turn interesting species pelagic and more predatory big.

Dampier Strait Area III Conservation Area is listed own diversity biological highest from all areas in Raja Ampat, and now known with reef coral and life very rich sea.


Dampier Strait area is interesting lots of pelagic fish big like shark, tuna, snapper, grouper, barracuda and cake. Besides that, this region is also a place shelter and corridor safe migration for Lots mammals sea such as whales, dolphins, and dugongs, as well is known as an aggregation area For two species manta ray.

As area with source Power high fisheries, the community in the Dampier Strait together with the Service Agency Regional General Regional Technical Implementation Unit (BLUD UPTD) Management of Conservation Areas (KK) in Waterways Raja Ampat Islands and organizations non-profit such as Conservation International (CI) Indonesia and RARE developing strengthening Customary Fisheries Areas (KPA) initiatives management of the Dampier Strait Area III Conservation Area.


As part from effort For manage source Power natural biological in a way sustainable, KPA is agreed initiative rights utilization fisheries in the Dampier Strait based on customary areas from each village located in the coastal area. By Overall, there are 10 villages on the Batanta Island, and 9 villages on the Salawati Island became part from KPA.

Because of the environment lower the outer sea usual , and because the location is close with capital Raja Ampat Regency, Waisai, govt area has set Dampier Strait as one area tour nautical main, of course adhere to the principles management and development sustainable.


In the Dampier Strait, there are 28 villages in the coastal area, with 6 others is inland to the east sea Island Salawati. Villages This own varying capacities For support tourism and conservation moment This.

Current villages become objective tour culture is Sawinggrai, Arborek, Sawandarek, Yenbuba, Saporkren and Arefi. When in the Dampier Strait, visitors can interact with resident local, watch dance traditional, see Bird Cenderawasih endemic to Raja Ampat, kayaking, or stay at a homestay local.

For visitors, very important For know and understand moreover formerly culture people in Raja Ampat. For information more Continue, please learn public _ l local And b culture and heritage _culture .


Application tourist sustainability in the Dampier Strait Area III Conservation Area aims For give example real to public local that effort collective in the field conservation can give benefit economy for public through ecotourism.

Zoning in the Dampier Strait Area III Conservation Area

Navigate cursor to the pictures below This For enlarge map zoning or picture description zoning in the Dampier Strait Area III Conservation Area.

The table below provides an overview of some of the activities that commonly occur within Marine Conservation Areas (MPA).

For a detailed explanation of all activities regulated in the Zoning Regulations, please see Table 14, pages 48-51 of the document. Raja Ampat Islands Marine Conservation Area Management and Zoning Plan 2019-2038.

Description of Marine Conservation Area Zoning in Raja AmpatScuba DivingSnorkelingKayakJet SkiFishingReleasing Anchor

Core Zone

A conservation zone designated for its high ecological value, and only accessible through a strict permitting process for very limited purposes (e.g. for research or education purposes).







Food Security and Tourism Sub-zone

Also known as the “No Take Zone”. All fishing activities are prohibited within this Sub-zone. Sustainable tourism activities can be conducted within this Sub-zone.







Sasi Sub-zone and Traditional Utilization

Sub-zones specifically designated for utilization activities for local communities, such as sustainable fishing activities and community cultural practices. Sustainable tourism activities are also permitted in the Sasi and Traditional Utilization Sub-zones.







Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Sub-zone

In this Sub-zone, only fish farming and limited-scale commercial fishing activities are allowed. This Sub-zone also allows sustainable tourism activities.







* Jet skis and/or other motorized water sports vehicles are prohibited in the Marine Conservation Area. In general, anchoring is not permitted in the Marine Conservation Area (KKP) in Raja Ampat. Whenever possible, take advantage of moorings.

** If dropping anchor is an unavoidable necessity, then do so responsibly and in accordance with all relevant regulations and codes of conduct

*** Fishing is only permitted for local people. Tourists are only permitted to fish with permission from the Traditional Chief, and under the supervision of the local community.