Raja Ampat COTS Control Response Dashboard WEBSITE Light
How to use this Map
This open source interactive map provides real-time information system on the known state of COTs outbreaks in Raja Ampat, and the current collaborative efforts to mitigate them. Click on the tabs at the bottom of the map to obtain the information you need.
The information shown is based on data collected by local citizens, willing tourism operators, ngos and local government who have either seen COTS, or conducted a removal event and recorded these events and sightings into the OFFICIAL REPORT.
These results then populate this interactive map in real time, enabling us to evaluate the extent of the outbreaks and the effectiveness of culling events.
Don’t Act Alone! Through collaboration, we have the greatest chance for success.
It is only through a collaborative stakeholder approach that we can deliver an effective management response to a potentially disastrous outcome for the reefs of Raja Ampat, and the communities who rely upon them.
Report your COTS sightings or culling events by scanning or clicking the QR code